Today, after a fierce few hours long battle with the driverssside torsion bar, I was able to remove my Dart’s 0.87″ bars in favor for a set of 1″ torsion bars from Just Suspension.
The pass.side bar slid out with just a few taps.
The JS bars measure exactly 1″.
With currently just the 20 minute ride home from the garage as a reference I can (also) now say, from personal experience, that these 1″ bars are ‘nothing to be afraid of’ for a performance handling orientated daily driver. I was afraid at first these bars would be just too much for actual daily usage.
One thing I did do was invert the front/outer most strutrod washers so with the dished side outwards to the front. This was done to free up the front suspension a bit more, as I noticed that even without the torsion bars installed, the spindle/suspension was kinda difficult to move up and down by hand.
I would’ve liked to invert the inner cup washers aswell but I was a little pressed for time and didn’t want to take the entire front suspension apart for that.
The only ‘issue’ I’m still having is that the car’s frame still hits the LCA bumpstops sometimes, but that’s because I have it lowered as far as usuable, with only miminum play above the LCA’s.
A set of 1″ drop spindles would be perfect now I guess.