Some time ago I acquired an A518 Overdrive-transmission with stall convertor Lockup-function.
Before replacing this transmission inplace of the current A518 in the Dart, I decided to install a TransGo TFOD-HD2 Reprogramming Kit to improve the shift qualities of the transmission.
Pics of the transmission and TransGo TFOD-HD2 kit;
the 518 transgo reprogramming kit was developed on my 92 Dodge Dakota V8
many R and R sessions and gauges all over he place
on the mainshaft we ground through the heat treat where the oil holes were and opened them up
where the oil feed is from the side we ground the shaft similar to the way it’s done on other transmission Essentially holding the shaft against the edge of the grinding wheel to give a round passage. We also opened up the oil passages through the case and put in larger fittings
1/2 inch lines to the cooler really cuts back pressure and increases flow
the early trans had 22 degree helix on the planetariums so I installed the straight cut diesel gears.. The later trans went to 15 degrees but still can use all the cool oil they can get.
adding the extra diesel clutch plate is as simple as squeezing the spring a little tighter
Transgo has a higher quality “big” spring”
If building a 46Rh/RE it’s easiest to get the guts from a 47
The main shafts are different sizes to 94/95 putting the later larger parts will sloppy fit and strip. The early parts will not fit on the late shaft.
I have about 300,000 miles and just change the fluid every so often and adjust the bands
Gil Younger told me a couple of years ago that they had made some improvements to the kit
Nice site- your alignment specs are similar to what we did with the California Highway patrol C bodies (radials and 15×7 wheels larger torsion bars and rear sway)
Incidentally I run a filter between the outlet and the cooler- if your converter goes then the cooler is junked without one I use the 12×12 100 plate cooler with 1/2 in and out
Hello Jim,
Thanks for the elaborate reply.
The 1/2″ cooler lines are interesting. I might look into it for my next transmission build.
I’m currently gathering parts for a complete rebuild on a 42RH/A500 transmission. I will install a TransGo reprogramming kit and I’m currently looking which rebuild kit to get.