Bigblock Mopar Cambearing tool
Decided to make myself a cambearing tool. I took a round of aluminium and used the lathe to turn sections of it to the proper diameter for the different cambearings that are present in a [more … ]
Decided to make myself a cambearing tool. I took a round of aluminium and used the lathe to turn sections of it to the proper diameter for the different cambearings that are present in a [more … ]
Started working on my next stroker motor project. Below is a mockup of the crank and the aluminium maincaps. Some minor clearancing needs to be done in the block for the rod-bolts to clear the [more … ]
Some time ago I bought 5 bullet-cones from Wirth Automotive and mounted them in the grille opening. I thought it looked ‘ok’ from an angle, but downright silly when viewed head-on. The bullets were just [more … ]
I scored a set of Long ram intake manifolds recently. Since the long rams on the ’60 NewYorker seem to work very nicely, I couldn’t resist not to buy this set for another project.
The ’67 Dodge Charger has been sold! At some point in time it occured to me that I’ve had this car in my possession for over 10 years already, and practicly never did anything to [more … ]
What to do with 4 bigblock Mopar camshafts and a spare flexplate? Well make a stool out of it ofcourse!
Vandaag krukas en drijfstangen nog eenmaal als ‘mock-up’ een keertje gemonteerd in het block en daar bleek dat ik 1 cylinder nog ietsje verder moest bij werken. Ik heb nu overal wel minimaal 1.5-2mm speling.
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